Code of Conduct

Last Updated: January 10, 2024

Welcome to Stronger U! We’re so pleased to meet and work together with you to support your wellness journey. We provide a range of wellness services, including a peer support platform, coaching programs, workshops, and more. Our services are especially designed to uplift people with marginalized identities, and it is imperative to us that we create a space that is aware, respectful, and upholding of the humanity of every client. Please take a moment to read and familiarize yourself with the community guidelines.

The Stronger U community agrees to be responsible for being honest, transparent, and present with one another, while recognizing that we are not responsible for one another’s choices or actions. Consent and autonomy are valued highly.

Often, marginalized communities have to navigate insufficient resources, housing, relationships, community, healthcare, income, work, safety, and more. As a result, we honor the trauma, and the impacts of trauma in the lives of our community members. We deeply value the ability to consent, to regain and retain autonomy, and to self-determine what is best to help us, and our members, to survive, to process, and to cope through these experiences.

We believe that anchoring within communities who have shared lived experiences is one of the ways that we fight back and that we survive. For many of us, it is not a family of origin, or other “traditional” community where we are given validation or otherwise allowed to feel that we belong. Instead, it is often within chosen communities that we help each other to heal, to live, and then to thrive. Stronger U is an intentional community space, helping to provide holistic wellness inside of caring community; and giving this back to our greater communities through a variety of volunteer activities.

As a community, we agree to the following:

  • We will be respectful of each other and our various lived experiences, recognizing that trauma, and that wellness, looks different to every person.
  • We will speak from our personal experience, avoiding harmful generalizations, and honoring that each individual is the expert on themselves. 
  • We will build relationships based in respect and curiosity instead of fear and judgment.
  • We will approach topics with an open mind, seeking to share and grow together
  • We will be conscious of communications, not engaging in speech, writing, or behavior, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language referring to a person or group based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, color, descent, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other immutable characteristic or identity factor. We ask that you only discuss politics or religion as it relates to your own trauma and wellness.
  • We will be mindful of our own feelings, giving ourselves the space to reflect, to process, to leave and return as we need to, while also giving others the same consideration.
  • We will be mindful of the various communication needs of different people, giving space for verbal and nonverbal communication, different rates of processing information, different sensory needs, and so on.
  • We will recognize the vulnerability that is inherent to sharing personal truths, challenging wellness journeys, experiences with marginalization, and so on. We will give each other the opportunity to be vulnerable without fear.
  • We will address others by their correct names and pronouns, asking when we do not know.
  • We agree to maintain confidentiality, not share information outside of sessions that has been shared inside of sessions without explicit written permission.
    • We understand that marginalization and trauma can be intertwined with chronic experiences with thoughts suicide, self harm, dissociation, and other various trauma responses. We hold sacred space with each other and do not criminalize, demonize, call “ill”, or otherwise stigmatize anyone for these experiences.
    • We validate each other’s narratives and we strive as a community to empower each other rather than to further perpetuate stigma.
    • We emphasize harm reduction and personal coping practices.
    • We value personal autonomy and consent in all decisions.


Stronger U is committed to a policy of fair representation and will not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, disability status, H.I.V. status, gender identity or sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation, geography, age, work status, or background. We expect all coaches, clients and community members to adhere to these same standards in their comportment with each other. If you are found to have discriminated against coach(es), client(s) or community member(s), then we will provide an initial warning unless the violation is severe enough, and reserve the right to terminate access to Stronger U services.

Smoke and Substance Policy

Stronger U maintains an illegal drug-, illicit substance-, smoke-, and weapon-free atmosphere in Stronger U – hosted sessions.

Stronger U coaches are not permitted to be under the influence of, possess, distribute, or sell illegal drugs as defined by State or Federal law. Reasonable suspicion of possession or use of illegal drugs and substances at Stronger U – hosted meetings may subject the person involved to investigation and/or expulsion from Stronger U.

Stronger U clients and community members who partake in smoking, alcohol or substance use during Stronger U – hosted meetings are asked to have their cameras off to reduce potential triggers.

Compliance with the law

All Stronger U coaches, clients, and community members are subject to the local, state, and federal laws relevant to their locations.

Reporting Violations

Anyone who needs to report a code of conduct violation is invited to do so at


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