Banner with text reading Group Coaching, Stronger within community. same graphic with 4 people sitting in a rough circle as on the home page. Decorated by 3 flowers in the corners.

Group coaching is a wonderful way to get the affirming and personalized support that you long for without the cost of one-on-one sessions. Stronger U group coaching opportunities have maximum capacity limits to keep our cohorts small and allow you to form relationships with a peer community as well as your coach. Our group coaching live sessions reserve time for you to ask for coaching from your Stronger U facilitator, as well as time for the group to discuss topics and reach consensus (or not! Each of us varies in the support that feels relevant to us. We welcome respectful disagreements.).

Several of our group coaching programs are listed below. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn about additional programs as they become available! If you have ideas for coaching programs that would feel relevant to you, or if you want to chat further about anything you’ve learned while on the Stronger U website, we would love to connect with you!

Summer 2024 Groups: Coming Soon!

Past Groups

  • Trauma and Wellness: gentle space for people who are trauma survivors. We offer guidance that goes beyond a peer support space, while leaving space for group members to bring up topics that are meaningful to them
  • Just Another Thursday (chronic suicidality 8 week group): for people who want regain their voice and find the words to talk about their experiences with suicidal ideations without fear of judgement, stigma, or loss of autonomy
  • Masking and Unmasking (8 week group): for people who want to explore their own masking experiences together and identify the why we mask, the when we still want to mask or when we do not, and the how we want to unmask (and steps we can take to safely do so) to discover who we are under that mask.