Banner with text reads individual coaching, empowering a stronger you. Background is gray gradient. There is a graphic of two people talking to each other, same as on the home page. Decorated with faded ferns on the edges.

Individual coaching might be a good fit for you if you:

  • Need a deeply personalized program designed by a coach who will meet you where you are today, help you identify your goals, and be alongside you through every up and down.
  • Have ongoing support needs that might require understanding for varying programming during periods of chronic flare-ups, illness, crisis, mental wellbeing recovery, and so on.
  • Have a short term goals that you would like a coach to help you target and stay accountable to.
  • Feel more comfortable working privately with your coach than you would in a shared group space.
  • Want to work with your coach on topics that are not currently being offered through our group coaching programs.

Stronger U offers a variety of wellness coaching opportunities that are programmed to your very specific needs! We are transparent with you and will refer you to people we trust if we cannot meet your needs. Read below to learn more about our one-one-one coaching opportunities, or click on “Let’s Connect” if you would like to schedule a free consultation to learn more about how we can empower you to become a Stronger U.

Coaching Expertise

Stronger U coaches represent a breadth of expertise. Our primary expertise is shared below:

Headshot of an asian masc person with piercings and a necklace.

Medical Exercise Coaching

Our founder, Ryder Fox, has lived experience as a person with chronic conditions and mobility challenges and has has coached hundreds of medical exercise clients since 2007, some who have remained with them from those early years. Medical exercise bridges gaps between traditional personal training, or the traditional fitness industry, and physical therapy. It allows clients to gain corrective exercise that considers their full bodies (not just one area of pain) as well as how their bodies impact their daily lives.

Photo of a white man doing back exercises.

You might want to work one-on-one with Ryder on exercise coaching if you are a senior who is seeking to regain and/or maintain your independence, a person living with chronic conditions or mobility challenges, someone living with gender and/or body dysphoria who wants to be humanized and affirmed in your movement journey.

Photo of an elegantly dressed brown woman holding a tablet and thinking.

Leadership and Mentorship Coaching

The Stronger U Team has a wealth of leadership and mentorship experience and we are happy to help emerging leaders or longer-term leaders who are looking to make changes. Our expertise is primarily in nonprofit volunteer management, training and mentorship, and support of marginalized communities.

Photo of a group of people sitting around a table, and one person standing and teaching them.

Our mentorship passions are around supporting people with marginalized identities who have not been able to access affirming personal, educational, and professional development opportunities. You might want to work with our coaches if you are leading high school or undergraduate internships, or other similar bridging programs aimed at increasing diversity and inclusion.

Neurodivergent people, disabled people, and other marginalized humans often face a number of access barriers in traditional workplaces and often find it is better to freelance, be independent contractors, or start their own small business. If this resonates with you, you might want to work with one of our coaches to help you discover your passion, identify your pathway toward supporting yourself, and make meaningful steps toward working for yourself.


Stronger U packages are highly customizable to your unique needs and budget. We will make recommendations on packages based on what we learn during our free consultation period and assessments with you. It is our goal to make your one-on-one sessions as affordable as we can while also honoring the needs of our coaches and organization. We are dedicated to our clients, investing in your program design between sessions, educating ourselves, and providing living wages to our coaches who share marginalized identities.

We seek to be transparent with our costs and ask you to be transparent with us about your needs so that we can make the most relevant recommendations. Packages are generally sold in 1-month trials or 6-month commitments and include 1, 2, or 3 sessions per week. The pricing scales below allow us to provide larger discounts to people who spend more time with us. All packages may be mixed and matched to meet your unique needs.

Why frequent meetings? Optimal coaching relies on mutual relationships built with your coach, which will often take some time to develop. Coaching might not be quite what you’re looking for, and that’s okay! We also offer a variety of consultative opportunities. Some clients may choose to work with us once per month, on a retainer, or for infrequent consultations. You might also be interested in purchasing a single holistic wellness assessment or program design. Please review our “a la carte” page for more information.

Have more questions, or want to schedule your free consultation with a Stronger U coach? Let’s Connect!